GatherNetworkInfo.vbs is a LolBin too

Nice find by @Hexacorn on "SettingSyncHost.exe as a LolBin". Knowing that gatherNetworkInfo.vbs had some of the same characteristics I checked it using @Hexacorn's methodology and it works great. Just rename your binary in the current working directory and trigger. I was also able to get this to work in other user writable directories so it is not just limited to TEMP.

c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe c:\windows\system32\gatherNetworkInfo.vbs

I don't think this is the full list of programs called but it should be most of them.



Identifying a true positive for these might be tricky, not because a signature is difficult, but because even if it triggers the main indicator is not command line artifacts (which are normal) but the process path itself.

A while back I did a post on detecting System32 executable from non-standard paths which would work for these occurrences. It takes a bit to set up but detects anomalous behaviors like this.

In this case I might break out a search for these target executables plus makecab.exe, ipconfig.exe, and settingsynchost.exe and call out that they are running in an abnormal location.

Another good idea would be to start a set of sigs looking for the correct file name but incorrect original file name or file description. Sort of the reverse of looking for renamed script files.



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