An easier method of finding duration of processes
Previously I wrote about calculating duration but I stumbled across a better method. There are two key factors, time stamps in Splunk are numbers and Carbon Black has a process_guid that links the life of the process. We'll use these two things to make a much shorter search. Previous search index=edr event_type=proc process_path=*\\userinit.exe | stats values(type) as types values(_time) as timestamps values(process_path) as proc_path by process_guid | where mvcount(types)>1 | eval end_time=mvindex(timestamp,1) | eval start_time=mvindex(timestamp,0) | eval duration=end_time-start_time | table process_guid types duration timestamps proc_path New search index=edr event_type=proc process_path=*\\userinit.exe | stats range(_time) as duration values(command_line) count by computer_name process_guid As you can see it is much more compact and readable. References: