UAC bypass detection, Children of Eventvwr.exe, CompMgmtLauncher, Fodhelper
BLUF: As Countercept noted, Look for children of: Eventvwr.exe CompMgmtLauncher.exe Fodhelper.exe A quicky on some old UAC bypasses since it just came up again ITW. SBousseaden shared an Anyrun and some notes on two UAC bypasses: mscfile\shell\open\command ms-settings\shell\open\command mscfile activates from eventvwr.exe or CompMgmtLauncher.exe ms-settings activates using Fodhelper.exe They are well documented. Eventvwr has been patched but CompMgmtLauncher still works, fodhelper, I couldn't test but I assume it works the same way. Testing for the regmods are fine using an EDR but a quick and dirty method is to look for children of the three processes and filter the normal ones. References: